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Restructuring France’s innovation system: from the mission-oriented model to a systemic approach of innovation

| 14:30 - 16:30
Venue: Maison des Sciences Économiques, 106-112 bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris

La prochaine séance du séminaire Capitalisme Cognitif aura lieu :

le vendredi 28 février 2013 de 14h30 à 16h30
à la Maison des Sciences Économiques Salle B/3.1
106-112 bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris
(Métro : Campo-Formio ou Place d’Italie. Autobus : 57, 67, 27, 83 et 47)

Mafini Dosso
(Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Sevilla, Spain)

Interviendra sur le thème :
Restructuring in France’s innovation system: from the mission-oriented model to a systemic approach of innovation

Didier Lebert (ENSTA ParisTech) introduira la discussion

Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du projet européen D-CENT.

CAPS 1st concertation meeting

| All Day
Venue: Brussels
D-CENT event

This meeting is organized by the CAPS2020 project. The aim is to develop concertation among CAPS projects and at organize annual CAPS international conferences. The goal is to provide an opportunity to all CAPS projects to meet, share information on their projects and eventually develop synergies. The aim is also to collectively discuss the objectives and programme of the 1st CAPS international conference to be organized with the support of CAPS2020 in May-June 2014 in order that the event can be the most useful to each project and to the CAPS constituency as a whole.

Event programme

08:30 Welcome
09:00 Opening session
Moderated by Fabrizio Sestini, Scientific Officer, European Commission
Roger Torrenti, Sigma Orionis, CAPS2020 coordinator
Nicole Dewandre, Advisor for societal issues to Robert Madelin
Filippo Addarii, Director International Strategy & Head of EuropeLab, the Young Foundation
Andrea Ricci, Director of ISIS, coordinator of the FLAGSHIP project
Leandros Tassiulas, Professor at University of Thessaly, coordinator of the Internet Science NoE

10:30 Tea – coffee break

10:45 Project roundtable
Moderated by Roger Torrenti, Sigma Orionis, CAPS2020 coordinator
Project presentations
Each CAPS project introduces itself: CAP4ACCESS, CATALYST, Wikirate, D-Cent, CAPS2020, Web-COSI, Ia4SI, SciCafe 2.0, CHEST, DSI study, DecarboNet
Each presentation should not exceed 7’ and be based on 5 slides only: project objectives and expected outputs, project partners, project Gantt chart, project website – events – social media, proposals for synergies between CAPS projects
Open discussion on possible synergies and decisions for the coming year

12:45 Lunch break

13:45 1st CAPS international conference
Moderated by Roger Torrenti, Sigma Orionis, CAPS2020 coordinator
Introduction of the event concept
Open discussion on event objectives, format, agenda, speakers to be invited, programme committee, possible co-located events

15:45 – 16:30 Wrap-up session
Concluding address by Jesus Villasante, Head of Unit, European Commission

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ICT 2013 – Create, Connect, Grow

- | All day
Venue: Lihuania

The conference features top ICT professionals from industry, academia, research. Speakers from across the ICT sector will address a range of issues from cloud computing, broadband, ICT infrastructures, ICT skills, cyber security, long term visions on the future and much more. Experts will present details on how to participate in the next EU’s Research Programme – Horizon 2020.

A special focus wil be on Digital Futures – a journey into 2050’s futures and policy challenges.

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