Article archive: September 2015

Digital identity ecosystems in the context of Big data and mass surveillance

Article by Francesca Bria and Elettra Bianchi Dennerlein. The original article was published at the Nesta website.

During the last few years, the internet economy has been mainly developing using a business model that offers services for free to the end users, but at the same time creates profits by mining, aggregating, and selling personal and social data for commercial and surveillance purposes. Therefore, the lives of internet users are continuously electronically tracked, analysed, clustered and segmented in profiles and graphs: personal data as a commodity for the “markets of identity“, with large implications on the users’ privacy and the rights related to personal data. Read more + Digital social innovation initiatives to the public

In an effort to come up with solutions to the societal challenges that policy makers and current solutions are not able to tackle, social innovations are popping up as new types of services and products. In the recent years social innovations have been accelerated with the digital layer, which is proving to be especially effective in bringing people together, offering tools for self-organization and providing a democratic space for everyone to contribute to solving these especially wicked problems.

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Distributed identity, data infrastructures and digital tools for social change 

Article by Francesca Bria and Elettra Bianchi Dennerlein. The original article was published at the Nesta website.


Francesca Bria in conversation with Blaine Cook, former lead developer of Twitter, principal co-author of the OAuth and Webfinger specifications and co-founder of Poetica. Blaine describes his worries and hopes for the development of digital platforms by social movements to mobilise collective action and build collective power.


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In conversation with Evgeny Morozov on big data, identity and the Silicon Valley hegemony

Article by Francesca Bria and Elettra Bianchi Dennerlein. The original article was published at the Nesta website.


Historian of technology, author and editor at journals such as the Guardian, Le Monde diplomatique and the Financial Times, and of books such as The Net Delusion: the dark side of Internet freedom, To Save Everything, Click Here, and Le mirage numerique soon out in France. Evgeny Morozov talks about why it is important to go beyond the concept of the Internet in order to understand what Identity means in the current digital world; by politicizing the debate over the future of technology and infrastructures Morozov starts shedding a political and ethical dimension to data use and data sharing.


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When a movement becomes a party: the experiment of Barcelona en Comù and the new network of Spanish democratic cities

Article by Francesca Bria and Elettra Bianchi Dennerlein. The original article was published at the Nesta website.

Four years after the emergence of the revolutionary networked social movement 15M, the newly formed Spanish political party Podemos is now one of the most innovative, growing political parties in Spain and just over three months ago the grassroots citizen-led coalition Barcelona En Comù won the City Council elections in Barcelona forming a network of new democratic Cities that include also Madrid, Zaragoza, Pamplona and others. Read more +

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