
  • Final event

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  • Production and promotion of multimedia content from events

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  • Impact assessment and Sustainability Plan

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  • Technical specifications and primer on interoperability

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  • Technical interoperability and integration

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  • Networked Models of Democracy

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  • From citizen data to wisdom of the Crowd

    In this document we present the work of data visualisation performed on the Decide Madrid platform, launched on September 2015 by the Madrid City Council for open citizen decision-making. In the first section we explain the functionalities of Decide Madrid and the political framework of the Area of Citizen Participation, Transparency and Open Government ruled by the Madrid City Council. The second section describes the BetaDemic research network and the collaboration established with the D-CENT project that defined the data visualisation tasks of this work.


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  • Overview of the Secure Notifications Tool

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  • Digital social currency infrastructure

    This deliverable is led by and focuses on the implementation of a software toolkit useful to run community owned infrastructures for the digital social currency design schemes envisioned in D4.4 (Design of digital social currency).

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  • Integration of open decision-making data and mapping module

    This deliverable involves integrating the different D-CENT components based on the experience in previous D-CENT work in WP5 (D5.1; D5.3; D5.4). As W3C Social Web working group input with ActivityStreams documented in D5.1 appears to be concretely solving more problems than expected, we are focusing the efforts in realising these possibilities in an integrated solution within D-CENT, rather than maintaining authentication and data connection integrations to external tools.


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  • Framework for implementing alternative credit schemes and digital social currencies

    This deliverable documents the state of the art of legal frameworks of implementation both in general, but also particularly for D-CENT Digital Social Currency experiments with pilot communities in Spain, Iceland, Finland and the use case in Italy.

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  • Helsinki democratic decisions pilot

    Helsinki city council already publishes an API detailing the municipal decisions made by the city council. As part of the D-CENT project ThoughtWorks, Open Knowledge Foundation Finland and Forum Virium Helsinki conducted a three day workshop to investigate using social technology for democracy.


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  • When a movement becomes a party

    Barcelona en Comú is an emerging grassroots movement-party that won the 2015 Barcelona City Council election. In the first part of this report we detail some of the technopolitical processes involved in developing Barcelona en Comú as a citizen-led electoral coalition, and the role of the D-CENT tools (Democracy OS, Participa) in this construction effort. As we show, both played key roles in the online-offline process of building Barcelona en Comú. When the electoral campaign started in May 2015, social networks became central for the communication and organisation of Barcelona en Comú.

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  • Collective intelligence framework in networked social movements

    This report offers a framework with a set of concepts, hypotheses and methods that help with understanding collective action and intelligence in emergent network social movements. It contains theoretical analysis, data-analysis and data-visualisation of the appropriation by the network movements of a broad array of digital platforms and technologies used for political action, which generated huge processes of collective, citizen self-organisation.

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  • Research on Identity Ecosystem

    This report presents an in-depth analysis of the latest evolution of the Identity Ecosystem in the Big Data context, focusing on the economic value of data and identity within the current digital economy. It aims at understanding the philosophical, economic and cultural implications of machine-mediated identity systems, focusing on the role of identity in the current economic system, and the way individual and collective identity in the form of personal and social data is mined and analysed through machine learning algorithms to predict future economic and societal trends, in this way redefining financial evaluations.

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  • Open standards: Open authentication and Identity Management tool

    The focus of this deliverable is to create a tool that can be easily deployed by democratic organisations, to provide a secure single sign-on (SSO) service for their users. This SSO service can be easily integrated with other tools hosted by these organisations (such as the policy-drafting tool of D5.3) to provide access to the tools. Furthermore the use of a consistent protocol implementation (OAuth2) allows organisations to share their userbases.

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  • Research on digital identity ecosystems

    This report presents a concrete analysis of the latest evolution of the identity ecosystem in the big data context, focusing on the economic and social value of data and identity within the current digital economy. This report also outlines economic, policy, and technical alternatives to develop an identity ecosystem and management of data for the common good that respects citizens’ rights, privacy and data protection.


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  • Internet as common or capture of collective intelligence

    This report aims at constructing a multidisciplinary, integrated common vision, that can lead within the D-CENT project to the creation of a constituency that will work on awareness, new rights and claims, self-governance issues, technical standards, but also on proposals and concrete initiatives, practical alternative developments and actions.


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  • Pilots usability testing

    This appendix describes the usability testing of Objective 8. Objective 8 is the development name of a tool for democratic organisations that can be used for writing policy documents (policies, manifesto pages, election promises, etc.) in an open, collaborative and transparent way. It has been the main focus of our work reported in the D5.3 (Implementation of collaborative policy-making tool), this whole document  can be uploaded here.


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  • Implementation of collaborative policy-making tool

    In this report, we provide a general overview of the collaborative policy-drafting tool that was built for the Spanish constituency that became the starting point of the development work in D5.3 and WP5. We describe the key features of the tools, their implementation and testing. We will describe D-CENT Discovery, User Research and testing, plus the D-CENT overall architecture Design, a modular and open-standards based platform. Finally, we will outline the piloting strategy in the targeted countries Spain, Iceland and Finland, and propose the future Roadmap focused on running large scale pilots with communities on the ground.


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  • Mid-term event

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  • Charting open specifications for standardisation on federated social media

    The overall objective of this deliverable is to present a unified suite of standards for the development of a decentralized (federated) social web. This document discusses the standardization efforts funded as part of the D-CENT project so far and presents their current state of play.


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  • Managing the commons in the knowledge economy

    This report presents an in-depth analysis of the concept of common goods and of possible political and management variation in the context of a knowledge-based economy. The research presents an initial critical review of the literature together with a concrete analysis of the development of the commons and common goods.


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  • Dalla teoria dei beni pubblici alla nuova economia politica dei commons

    Questo rapporto presenta un’analisi approfondita del concetto dei beni comuni e di una possibile declinazione politica e gestionale nel contesto di una economia della conoscenza. La ricerca presenta una iniziale rassegna critica della letteratura insieme ad un’analisi concreta dello sviluppo dei commons e dei beni comuni.


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  • Design of Social Digital Currency

    The Freecoin Toolchain is a toolkit to build blockchains for the social good. It aims to improve decentralised trust and identity management for the D-CENT pilot communities. D-CENT is bringing together complementary currency design and the latest development of digital currencies, made famous by Bitcoin. It will run digital social currency pilots in communities that are already actively designing tools for collective decision-making in local economies.

    Disclaimer: This report is currently awaiting approval from the EC and as such cannot be not considered as final version.

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  • Pilot Implementation of Open Social Web for Participatory Democracy

    This deliverable focuses on the validation of hypothesis and work to determine what the basis of a more mature D-CENT codebase based on pilot feedback would like. We have began engaging and testing democracy-based tools in a single node first rather than building decentralised networking tools.

    Disclaimer: This report is currently awaiting approval from the EC and as such cannot be not considered as final version.

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  • Technical Design of Open Social Web for Crowdsourced Democracy

    The overall objective of Work Package 4 is to design the technical specifications for a standards-based, privacy-aware and decentralized D-CENT platform for open democracy. In this deliverable, we present here the technical architecture of the D-CENT nodes, each with its own social data store, in order to allow D-CENT to be used for the direct democratic decision-making pilots.

    Disclaimer: This report is currently awaiting approval from the EC and as such cannot be not considered as final version.

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  • First results of the dataset analysis

    This deliverable describes the datasets that will be used in the D-CENT Work Package 2: “Network driven data analysis, modelling and visualization”. The main goal of this Work Package is to study new organizational models from emerging citizen movements to provide inputs for the design and development of the D-CENT platform. This document aims to offer a description of the data to be used in further steps of analysis, and some preliminary results to characterize the datasets.


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  • Field Research and User Requirements Digital social currency pilots

    This report provides a background for building a framework for implementing and federating digital complementary currency experiences, and for improving their social benefits. Enabling communities to manage exchange using alternative digital social currencies as new tools for growing a civic sharing economy, including a strong role for interoperable digital social currencies remains the principal goal.

    Disclaimer: This report is currently awaiting approval from the EC and as such cannot be not considered as final version.

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  • Socio technical framework on collective intelligence

    The framework that we present in this document offers a set of concepts, hypotheses, methods and questions that may help to articulate the study and comprehension of collective action and intelligence in network movements.


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  • Technical requirements

    This document outlines the technical specification of the D-CENT project. The approach of the project is not to work from scratch. Building on work that has gone before it will engage with the tools that the pilot projects in Iceland, Spain, and Finland are already using.

    Disclaimer: This report is currently awaiting approval from the EC and as such cannot be not considered as final version.

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  • Community requirements and Social Design

    This document outlines the social requirements of the D-CENT project gathered through a mix of UXlean development and participatory action research, including user profiles, user stories from the identified lead users’ community cases, the main set of hypothesis and the current active experiments.


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  • Dissemination tools

    This deliverable will list a set of material that supports the dissemination of the project. It includes a project website, factsheet, brochure, project logo and visual guidelines, project presentation, stickers, roll-up and press release.

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  • Launch Event

    The D-CENT  event Re-imagining democracy and currency in Europe launched the project to a wider audience. Organised at the 14th of March 2014 in London, this deliverable is a report of the event.


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  • Theoretical framework on knowledge-based economy

    This deliverable will advance the state of the art through a critical review of different approaches on the information revolution and of the cognitive economy based on the ground-breaking work on cognitive capitalism and collective intelligence.

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  • Project methodology

    This deliverable describes the overall project methodology, including the case for adopting a Lean UX methodology, user centered and design thinking methods that couple social design with technical iterative development focused on addressing a wide variety of community needs.

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  • State of the Art of open social standards

    This report provides a broad overview of open standards that could be used by the D-CENT project in terms of decentralized and federated social networking, with a particular focus on our two use cases of democratic decision-making and social digital currencies.


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